The Qualifications Of Deacons

//The Qualifications Of Deacons

The Qualifications Of Deacons

The Qualification of Deacons

Acts 6:1-6; 1 Timothy 3:8-13


  1. The Boise Church Needs Strong Leadership to Navigate us Through the Days to Come.
  2. The First Quarter of Every Year as a time of (Re)-Confirmation of Elders and Deacons
  3. Messages on the Work and Qualifications of Deacons and Elders.
  4. Today, The Qualifications of Deacons.

I. Positive Qualifications:

  1. Full of the Holy Spirit” (cf., Galatians 5:22-25)
  2. Wisdom” (cf., James 3:13-18)
  3. “Above Reproach
  4. “Worthy of Respect
  5. “Keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience” – They must know, be committed to, and be faithful in obeying/applying the truth of God’s word.
  6. “They Must First be Tested” – tested and proven in the sense of previous experience serving and in character

II. Negative Qualifications:

  1. Sincere“‑ “not double-tongued,” “not a gossip”?
  2. “Not Indulging in too much Wine – “not a heavy drinker”
  3. “Not Pursuing Dishonest Gain”‑ not greedy

III. Special Qualifications:

  1. “Husband of One Wife;” lit., “a one woman man.”
  2. “Must Manage his Children Well”
  3. “Must Manage His Household Well”

III. Qualifications for Women/Wives (1 Timothy 3:11)

  1. “Above Reproach
  2. “Worthy of Respect
  3. “Not Malicious Talkers” (Gossips, Slanderers)
  4. TemperateIn Everything (Sober, Self-controlled)
  5. Trustworthy in Everything” (Faithful, Reliable)


  1. 1 Timothy 3:13 Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.
  2. We Need Strong Leadership to Take us into a Glorious Future.
  3. Please Prayerfully Consider and Participate in this Process of Confirmation and Reconfirmation our Leaders.
By | 2024-02-03T15:44:54-07:00 February 3rd, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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