Outreach 2022 (Part 6)

//Outreach 2022 (Part 6)

Outreach 2022 (Part 6)


John 4:4-42


  • Outreach 2022: How the Boise Church Can Reach Out in 2022
    1. Making Disciples (Going, Baptizing, Teaching)
    2. Restoring the Erring
    3. Seeking the Lost (Attractional, Missional, Relational)
    4. Nudge Evangelism
    5. Neighboring is loving your neighbor as yourself.
  • Two authoritative approaches to Outreach:

I.   Jesus’ Approach – Gentle Confrontation.

II.  Samaritan Woman’s Approach — Witnessing


  • Outreach is NOT One Size Fits All.
  • Witnessing is a Powerful Tool Toward Leading Others to Jesus (John 4:39-42).
  • Speak Like a Satisfied Customer!
  • What is Your Testimony?

Sunday, I will be discussing two authoritative approaches to outreach from John 4.  The reason I emphasize authoritative is that we may not consider witnessing to be an authoritative approach because it deals with our subjective experience, i.e., “what Jesus has done for me.”  However, not only is it biblical, it is ideally applicable to our current culture.  Today, people distrust authority. Experience, practicality, and authenticity (what’s real) are what people trust.  Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman from the authority of his person; the Samaritan woman spoke to her village from the authority of her experience.  Both were effective.

We all have a story to tell.  Luke told Paul’s story once and Paul told it twice more in the book of Acts.  Paul alluded to his and his convert’s experience time and time again in his letters.  I’ll say more on Sunday.

Remember to be inviting people to our Friends and Family Day on April 24th.  We will be having a service geared toward visitors and a fellowship meal following.

I hope you will join us!  Joey

By | 2022-04-09T20:28:18-06:00 April 9th, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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