Matthew 22:36-40; Luke 10:25-37
- Outreach 2022: How the Boise Church Can Reach Out in 2022
- Making Disciples (Going, Baptizing, Teaching)
- Restoring the Erring
- Seeking the Lost (Attractional, Missional, Relational)
- Nudge Evangelism
- Neighboring is loving your neighbor as yourself.
- Who is my Neighbor? Jesus described a man who was a neighbor.
I. He “Saw” the Man (Luke 10:33).
II. He Got His Hands Dirty (Luke 10:34).
III. He Was Inconvenienced (Luke 10:34).
IV. He Befriended the Man.
V. He Committed His Resources to his Wellbeing (Luke 10:35).
- Everyone is my neighbor.
- Everyone in Need is my neighbor.
- Neighboring begins with those Closest to you.
Fourfold Plan:- Stay in Your Neighborhood. Get to know your Neighbors
- Pray for Yourself & Your Neighbor.
- Play with your Neighbors. Exercise
- Say. Witness. Talk about Jesus.
- Are You a Good Neighbor?
I announced Sunday’s lesson would be on Neighborhood Evangelism, but that is really not a good description. Neighboring is much more than an evangelistic strategy; it is about obeying what Jesus said are the two greatest commands – loving God and loving your neighbor. Neighboring begins with those closest to you – your actual neighbors! How well do you know your neighbors? Of those who live in the eight closest homes/apartments to you, how many can you call by name? Neighboring is moving from being strangers, to being acquaintances, to having relationships. Neighboring is getting to know people well enough to know their hopes, their dreams, and their hurts. Neighboring is being willing to nudge them to see God at work in their lives, witness your faith, and speak the name of Jesus. Neighboring is NOT a strategy for outreach; it is a strategy for loving, helping, and serving.
Many of the thoughts in this lesson come from The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside your Door. It is available in our library. I recommend it highly. I’ll say more in my message.
I hope you will join us! Joey
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