Apollos Evangelism
Acts 18:24-19:7
- Outreach 2022: How the Boise Church Can Reach Out in 2022
- Making Disciples (Going, Baptizing, Teaching)
- Restoring the Erring
- Seeking the Lost (Attractional, Missional, Relational)
- Nudge Evangelism
- Neighboring is loving your neighbor as yourself.
- Witnessing is an authoritative approach to outreach.
- Apollos Evangelism (Act 18:24-19:7) is Explaining “the way of God more adequately.”
I. Why is Apollos Evangelism Necessary?
- All of Us are Wrong about Something.
- Christian Doctrine is Important. Example: Baptism.
- Doctrinal Error, at Best, will Lead to a Loss of Blessings and, at Worst, a Loss of our Souls.
- Incorrect Theology Will Lead Others Astray as Well.
II. How Should We Practice Apollos Evangelism?
- Biblically (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Use the Bible.
- Gently (Galatians 6:1). Explain, do not Argue.
- Relationally (Acts 18:26). Build a relationship.
- Privately (Acts 18:26). Not a Public Confrontation.
- Historical Perspective: Our Primary Form of Evangelism.
- Take Care with the Issue and your Attitude.
Jesus commanded his followers to “make disciples.” One way we have sought to fulfill this imperative is by explaining to our religious neighbors, “the way of God more adequately” (Acts 18:24-19:7). I call this Apollos Evangelism because this was the strategy used by Aquilla and Priscilla with Apollos in Acts 18-19).
I say, “one way,” but in many cases it was the only or primary way we have reached out. Our use of this method reflects a time when our culture was predominantly Christian and almost everyone claimed to be a believer or went to church somewhere. We saw our task as converting these individuals from their error to the truth of God’s word. This was and is a worthy goal; Aquilla and Priscilla saw the need and it still exists today.
However, we made many mistakes along the way. We were sometimes arrogant. Often we were more successful in converting our religious neighbors to a type of “Church-of-Christ-ism,” instead of to Christ. Further, we often neglected those who were non-believers and repelled those who were fed up with the tribalism and sectarianism of Christianity. How can we properly practice Apollos Evangelism?
I hope you will join us this Sunday! Joey
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