The Romans’ Road
Romans 1, 3, 5, 6, 10
- Outreach 2022: How the Boise Church Can Reach Out in 2022
- Making Disciples (Going, Baptizing, Teaching)
- Restoring the Erring
- Seeking the Lost (Attractional, Missional, Relational)
- Nudge Evangelism
- Neighboring is loving your neighbor as yourself.
- Witnessing is an authoritative approach to outreach.
- Apollos Evangelism (Act 18:24-19:7) is Explaining “the way of God more adequately.”
- A Gospel Presentation (The Romans’ Road).
I. God is the Creator and Ruler over All (Romans 1:20-21).
II. No One is Righteous (Romans 3:10).
III. We All have Sinned and Fallen Short of God’s Glory (Romans 3:23).
IV. The Penalty for Sin is Death, but God Gives Life (Romans 6:23).
V. God Loves us and Gave Jesus to Die for Us (Romans 5:8).
VI. We Must Confess Jesus as Lord and Place our Faith/Trust in Him for Forgiveness (Romans 10:9-10, 13).
VII. In Baptism, We Die to Sin, are Buried with Christ and Rise with Him to Live a New Life (Romans 6:3-8, 17-18).
VIII. Once Saved We Offer Our Bodies to God for His Service (Romans 12:1-2).
- The Romans’ Road is an Excellent Presentation of the Gospel.
- Have You Responded in Faith for Salvation?
Sunday’s lesson marks the last in our series, Outreach 2022. We have had a long break between the last lesson and this one. With Friend’s Day, my vacation, and COVID quarantine we are just now reaching the last lesson. I am skipping the lesson that was scheduled for last week, Apollos Evangelism, but the full outline can be found in last week’s blog article if you are keeping your fill-in-the-blank outlines. We may revisit it on another occasion.
I wanted to end this series with a simple gospel presentation. I’m using the Romans’ Road as a guide. My purpose in this series was to empower us to reach out to others in the ways we are most gifted: pre-outreach, outreach, or post-outreach (“going, baptizing, teaching.”). We’ve discussed ways we can seek the lost, engage others, and share our faith. In this final lesson I will be sharing scriptures you can use to lead someone to Christ. I’ll say more on Sunday.
I hope you will join us! Joey
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