The Gospel of From Now On
Luke 5:1-11
A. Luke 5:1-11 From now on, you will catch men.
B. What should we resolve in 2024?
I. To Give / Rededicate Our Lives to Christ
Faith Commitment Baptism Repentance
II. To Renew Our Commitment to the Boise Church
Membership Attendance Involvement
III. To Take the Next Step in Your Walk of Faith
Teaching Leading Serving Giving
IV. To Spend More Time in Private Worship
Daily Prayer Bible Study Spiritual Disciplines
V. To be a Better Steward of my Resources
Time Money Body
VI. To Get to Know My Neighbors
Introduce Yourself Invite Over Serve
VII. To Lead One Person to Jesus
Family School Work
A. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
B. This is a New Year; make the most of it.
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