The Work of Elders/Shepherds
- The Boise Church Needs Strong Leadership to Navigate us Through the Days to Come.
- Our Shepherds have Designated the First Quarter of Every Year as a time of Confirmation/Reconfirmation of Elders and Deacons in the Church.
- During the Next Four Weeks, I will Share Messages on the Work and Qualifications of these Church Leaders.
I. There are Three Primary Designations for Elders that are Used Interchangeably (Acts 20:17, 28).
- Presbuteros – Elder (Older, Wiser Man; Judgments)
- Poimen – Shepherd/Pastor (Metaphorical Usage. One who cares for, provides for, and protects sheep).
- Episcopos – Overseer/Bishop/Superintendent (One who watches over)
II. Church Ecclesiology/Polity in the New Testament
- There was No Ecclesiastical Manual Given at Pentecost.
- Apostolic Authority (Acts 2:42; Acts 6:2, “ministry of the word”; Acts 15:1-31, Apostles & Elders now at Jerusalem).
- Elders were Appointed to Serve in the Place of Apostles/Missionaries/Evangelists (Acts 14:14, 23; 1 Timothy 2; Titus 1; Ephesians 4:11).
- Elders filled the Apostolic Void in Leadership and Teaching.
III. Biblical Responsibilities of Elders/Shepherds
- General Oversight of the Local Congregation:
- 1. Keep Watch, Be Shepherds (Acts 20:28)
- 2. Be Examples (1 Peter 5:1-4)
- 3. Teach/Admonish (1 Thessalonians 5:12)
- 4. Oversight in the Financial/Material (Acts 11:29-30)
- 5. Watch/Protect from False Teaching (Acts 20:29-32)
- 6. Encourage Healthy Teaching and Refute those who Oppose it (Titus 1:9)
- They have the Authority to do Whatever is Necessary to Perform their Function (Hebrews 13:17; cf., 1 Peter 5:3).
- 1. Set and Enforce Policy.
- 2. Arbitrate Disputes/Discipline Members.
- 3. Request Assistance from Members.
- 4. They May Employ any Outside Help Required.
- 5. They can Select Definite Helpers, such as Deacons, or other Individuals.
- 6. They Supervise the Work of the Local Ministers.
- We Need Strong Leadership to Take us into a Glorious Future.
- Please Prayerfully Consider and Participate in this Process of Confirmation and Reconfirmation our Leaders.
— Here is a memo from our shepherds outlining the current confirmation process: Memo
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